Ok Dude
Dude this fucking sux, man i thought rap was supposed to be good, but ur exactly whats killing it. Talkin bout jumpin on mushrooms and SMORES! Lol u gay, so ur reward for being so gay u get 1 star because it couldnt go any lower, and a 0/0, and u gay for taking 187 song and rapping on it, i liked that song alot but u made the song the song sound like shit, just like u just did this one, u should just quit while u ahead work at walmart, or work at that car factory like Eminem and try to empress people there LOL!! Ok and u dont deserve ur name, how gay do u have to be to spell legend the way u did LOL!! HAA Drop dead Biotch, btw go fuck ur mom atleast u might have sum success with life if u lose ur v-card, Hahaha dont lie u know u still have it. LOL! So stop making music fag boy do sum10 else.